Friday, October 26, 2012


have you ever felt or seen true tears?that over flowing river that's not brought on by fears. the experience of being truly broken...the kind of hurt you rarely see and is never spoken.A pain so overwhelming you think you're gonna die...yet
all that seems to happen is the uncontrollable cry.And if you saw that tear and it wasn't your own...would you grasp it in your arms and say "you're not alone"?or would you shut your eyes turn around and assume it's just a phase...or even just another traumatic childhood aware that this tear is the has been known to shut a life down in a day, minute or even an hour.ones emotion is never a game...and their feelings should never be put to shame.yet even though its written you will not follow the person becomes empty and cannot turn to I am leaving you with these words I pray you take the heart... you cannot judge someone you love by the emotional shield of make up they wear upon their face....or keep on ignoring and making them feel disgraced.because eventually it will become aware...yet it's too late... she is now drowning in her own despair. COPYRIGHTED FOR CRYSTAL STUDEBAKER ©

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