Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To My Daddy

We Blacksheeps often believe...
-we don't deserve/want/need anyone or anything.
-We are the destroyed and wounded of breeds.
-break them before we get broken is our creed.
-pain,scars,tears and blood...
-Mental rivers that over flood.
-We hardly ever close our eyes...
-We are soldiers and amazing spies.
-Known to read a human from a single glance...
-Yet we are beautiful lovers and believe in romance.
~If you happen to bump into our life...
-Just always remember.. all we know is how to survive.

I see beyond my mirror..a very hardened, yet free soul...I SEE YOU...I AM YOU DADDY.

Angel of Mercy

I saw you in a dream..
An angel of mercy, or so it seemed.

Whispers of your once spoken love...
Tears and pain within my dove.

So I sway my arm and let her fly far...
I feel your touch as though i was only a scar.

"Save Me!", are the words I shout out loud...
Yet you seem as though unproud.

I cannot be any longer without your presence...
You are part of me, an essence.

My scar of "HATE" has now become my fate...
"HOLD ME", I cry, before its too late. 



I'm drowning in quik sand...
Would you lend a hand?

Or ask how I got there first...?
Then hold water to your mouth to quench your own thirst.

Wondering why I'm soo sad and dark...
Not seeing that it takes attention, nurturing to light this spark.

Selfish hearts are blind to anothers pain...
They are greedy and use only for self gain.

Suffered words written and spoken out loud...
Are never heard or seen, and covered by your cloud.

It will soon become silent and fade within her..
Sad to know that you will assume you tried to mend a blur.


To My Chastity

Dear Babygirl,
            I know that times can seem crazy, and you just wanna scream...
        But your beauty and light shine brighter than any star i've ever seen.
             You have a way that makes even the saddest person smile it all away...
         And can even make me feel like a child wanting to run and play.
              I have loved you since the first day I got to hold you in my arms...
          You have a smile that reveals all your adorable charms.


            I'm sorry that it feels as though I abandoned you to face it alone...
         I wish I could make it easier than you just wanting to be stone.
            I pray one day I'm strong enough to be the mommy I used to be...
         And show you how much you all do truly mean to me.
            So I pray you always remember my words within your heart and mind...
         Because you may not like your mommy, but she's one of a kind.
                                    I am you and you are me...
                          We just temporarily see things a little differently.
                                    I know I'm not perfect...
                           And you may hear I'm not worth it.
                                   Your angry at me for not trying harder...
          And theres people out there who say i'm only a voice, not a real mother.
                         Yes, I could fight fire with fire and then you'll see...
          But I refuse to put my children in the middle of hatred and stupidity.
                            I am and will always be here for you..
                          And I hope one day you want that too. 

                          ©COPYRIGHTED CRYSTAL STUDEBAKER 2012